Just the Links is a web browser plugin. A web browser plugin changes how a computer shows the internet to a human. Just the Links makes web browsers only show humans the hyperlinks in Wikipedia articles. A hyperlink is an internet reference to somewhere else on the Internet.[1] Scientists widely agree that hyperlinks are the only important part of the internet.[2]


  1. 1 Background
    1. 1.1 Encyclopedias
    2. 1.2 Bombs
    3. 1.3 Wikipedia
  2. 2 Just The Links
    1. 2.1 History
    2. 2.2 About
  3. 3 See also
  4. 4 References


Wikipedia is an internet encyclopedia developed by humans fourteen billion years after the universe began. Humans are mid-sized terrestrial animals characterized by erect posture, tool use, and large brains.[3] They are found exclusively on Earth, a small rocky planet orbiting a G-type main sequence star called The Sun.[4] A year is the orbital period of the Earth about The Sun.

The Sun is very big and transfers lots of energy to Earth. Humans are smaller than the Sun.

The Sun is by far the most important source of energy for life on Earth.[5] The Sun is scheduled to explode in four billion years.[6] This is generally understood to be a bad thing by animals living on Earth.

Most humans orbit the Sun fifty to eighty times before terminating biological function.[7] Most humans would like to orbit the Sun many more times. There have been no confirmed successes.[8]


Two thousand years after the human called Jesus terminated his biological function, another human called Jimmy Wales created Wikipedia. Wikipedia is an internet encyclopedia. An encyclopedia is an external collection of human knowledge expressed in symbols.[9] Humans communicate with symbols because their brains cannot talk directly to each other.[10]

Some humans had brains that said Jesus was a very good human and some humans had brains that said he was not so good as the other humans claimed.[11][12] Most humans had brains that said encyclopedias were very good.


Encyclopedias used to be printed on mashed up dead plants. But all those dead plants were very heavy and difficult to move around.[13] By this time, humans had also become very good at terminating the biological function of other humans with energy machines called bombs. Energy is a property of objects which can be transferred to other objects.[14]

A bomb that can terminate the biological function of lots of humans.

The Sun and bombs both transfer energy. Bombs are much smaller than the Sun [15] but make up for this by transferring their energy very quickly and very near by. When a bomb transfers enough energy to a human, the human terminates biological function. Rapid energy transfer also turns mashed up plant encyclopedias to charcoal by way of a high-temperature exothermic redox chemical reaction.[16]

Some other humans called scientists soon made bombs that were so big that they were afraid that all their encyclopedias would be turned into charcoal.[17] This would be bad because without encyclopedias no one would remember the scientists after they terminated biological function. Being remembered was considered the second best thing to being alive.

So the scientists developed a system to encode the symbols that made up their encyclopedias using switches. They also made machines called computers that could flip these switches very quickly. Scientists connected all the computers with long metal threads that allowed the computers to flip each other’s switches too. This was called the Internet.[18] Even a very large bomb cannot destroy all the computers on the internet.[citation-needed]


The human called Jimmy Wales used the Internet to create Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a computer that lets humans who are not Jimmy Wales change its switches too.[19] Humans liked Wikipedia and wrote encyclopedia articles on everything from BK Chicken Fries to the Cambodian Genocide.

An order of BK Chicken Fries.

BK Chicken Fries are strands of mashed up dead chicken sold as food on Earth by a restaurant called Burger King. Food is a substance that animals consume for energy and to continue their biological functioning.[20] Humans are animals and must consume food. Humans are also made of food but are not considered good food by most other humans.[21] Food transfers energy much slower than bombs.

The Wikipedia article on BK Chicken Fries was four thousand words long.[22] The Wikipedia article on the Cambodian Genocide was two thousand words long.[23] Two million humans were told they could no longer orbit The Sun during the Cambodian Genocide.


Reading Wikipedia took a long time because it was very big.[24] But all the content on Wikipedia was connected together by special blue words called hyperlinks. The Wikipedia article on BK Chicken Fries had five hundred blue words linking to articles such as NASCAR and MySpace.[22] MySpace was also an Internet computer that anyone could flip switches on, but humans didn’t like it anymore and made fun of it.

This is a button that you can press to see how Just the Links works.

Many humans had brains that said the blue words were very good. Scientists used science to show that nothing was lost by only reading the blue words.[25]

A human called Matt Bierner also thought that the blue words were very good and wanted other humans to like the blue words as much as he did. So he flipped many switches on his computer until Wikipedia only showed the blue words. He called the new computer Just the Links and was so proud of it that he shared it with other humans. He also posted snarky text about his creation on the Internet to make himself look clever.[26] This is known as social networking. Social networking was very popular.[27]


Just the Links shows only blue text in a Wikipedia article. Any black words that match the blue words are also considered blue. All the black words are replaced with underlines. Just the Links tries to make articles look the same after the black words are replaced.

This is a link to where you put Just the Links on your computer.

Just the Links works with the Chrome web browser. Humans use web browsers to view the Internet and a company called Google created Chrome in order to show Internet advertisements more quickly. Advertisements tell humans what to do with money.[28] Money is an item that can be exchanged for goods and services, such as BK chicken fries.[29] Money is made from compressed plant seeds. Google has lots of money.

See also


  1. Hyperlink - Wikipedia
  2. PageRank – Wikipedia
  3. Human - Wikipedia
  4. Earth, Orbit and Rotation – Wikipedia
  5. The Sun - Wikipedia
  6. The Sun, After core hydrogen exhaustion - Wikipedia
  7. Life Expectancy, Human Patterns - Wikipedia
  8. Biological Immortality, Attempts to engineer biological immortality in humans - Wikipedia
  9. Symbols - Wikipedia
  10. Telepathy, Scientific reception - Wikipedia
  11. Jesus, Christian Views - Wikipedia
  12. Criticism of Jesus - Wikipedia
  13. Paper, Types, thickness and weight - Wikipedia
  14. Energy - Wikipedia
  15. TNT Equivalent, Example - Wikipedia
  16. Combustion - Wikipedia
  17. Mutual Assured Destruction, Two doomsday devices - Wikipedia
  18. The internet - Wikipedia
  19. Wikipedia, Openness - Wikipedia
  20. Food - Wikipedia
  21. Cannibalism, Myths, legends and folklore - Wikipedia
  22. BK Chicken Fries - Wikipedia
  23. Cambodian Genocide, International reaction - Wikipedia
  24. Wikipedia, Language editions - Wikipedia
  25. Speed Reading, Effect on comprehension - Wikipedia
  26. Just the Links - Just the Links
  27. Social Networking Service, Market Share - Wikipedia
  28. Advertising - Wikipedia
  29. Money - Wikipedia
